Run a Keychain from CLI
Goal: fulfill key requests and signature requests locally, from the command line.
- The chain is running
- You can request a new key (e.g. from SpaceWard)
1. Create a Keychain
If running locally, you can skip this step and assume an initial Keychain was set up at genesis:
KEYCHAIN_WRITER: warden1d652c9nngq5cneak2whyaqa4g9ehr8pstxj0r5
Otherwise, you can create a new Keychain with the following command:
wardend tx warden new-keychain --description 'Local Clichain' --from shulgin --chain-id wardenprotocol
Then, you can query the Keychain ID and note it as KEYCHAIN_ID
wardend query warden keychains
description: "Local Clichain!"
id: "2"
export KEYCHAIN_ID=2 # replace with the actual keychain ID
Create a new key to be used as your Keychain Writer:
export KEYCHAIN_WRITER_NAME=my-keychain-writer
wardend keys add $KEYCHAIN_WRITER_NAME
export KEYCHAIN_WRITER=$(wardend keys show -a $KEYCHAIN_WRITER_NAME)
And fund it with some tokens:
wardend tx bank send shulgin $KEYCHAIN_WRITER 10000uward --chain-id wardenprotocol
Finally, let's add the address as a Keychain Writer:
wardend tx warden add-keychain-writer --keychain-id $KEYCHAIN_ID --writer $KEYCHAIN_WRITER --from shulgin --chain-id wardenprotocol
You Keychain is ready to be used.
2. Install clichain
is a tool to generate keys and sign messages from the CLI.
You can install it with:
go install ./cmd/clichain
3. Fulfill a key request
Use SpaceWard or the CLI to create a new Space and request a new key for your Keychain.
You'll be able to see the key request from the CLI:
wardend q warden key-requests --keychain-id $KEYCHAIN_ID
id: 1
export KEY_REQUEST_ID=1 # replace with the actual key request ID
The Keychain job is to generate a new private key, store it securely, and submit the public key to the chain.
We can use a tool called clichain
to generate the key.
clichain generate -o private_$KEY_REQUEST_ID.key
export PUBLIC_KEY=$(go run ./cmd/clichain public-key -k private_$KEY_REQUEST_ID.key -o base64 )
Then, we can fulfill the Key request by submitting a transaction from our Keychain Writer account:
wardend tx warden fulfill-key-request $KEY_REQUEST_ID $PUBLIC_KEY --from $KEYCHAIN_WRITER_NAME --chain-id wardenprotocol
The Key request is now fulfilled.
4. Fulfill a signature request
Use SpaceWard or the CLI to create a new signature request.
You'll be able to see the signature request from the CLI:
wardend q warden signature-requests --keychain-id $KEYCHAIN_ID
id: 1
data_for_signing: rx3uiUeGwwRgSgObBBRjyauN77OTQD6gPPLIWx64y/0=
# note the data_for_signing and the id of the request
export DATA=rx3uiUeGwwRgSgObBBRjyauN77OTQD6gPPLIWx64y/0=
export SIGN_REQUEST_ID=1 # replace with the actual signature request ID
The Keychain job is to sign a message with the private key and submit the signature to the chain.
We can use clichain
again to sign the message with the key we generated in the previous step.
export SIGNATURE=$(echo -n $DATA | base64 -d | clichain sign -k /tmp/key -o base64)
Then, we can fulfill the signature request by submitting a transaction from our Keychain Writer account:
wardend tx warden fulfill-sign-request $SIGNATURE_REQUEST_ID $SIGNATURE --from $KEYCHAIN_WRITER_NAME --chain-id wardenprotocol
The signature request is now fulfilled.